
2024-06-14 4934
近年来,外汇VPS交易逐渐在零售外汇圈内流行起来。本文将对外汇VPS及其原理、优势进行简要介绍。 外汇VPS(虚拟私人服务器)支持EA交易员进行自动交易,最大程度地缩减MT4客户终端和MT4服务器之间的延迟。通过使用安全位置的数据中心系统,客户可以100%地利用上线时间,体验更快的执行速度,获得更高的交易量,避免错过机会。 为什么需要外汇VPS? MT4 EA又称为机器人,它可以为你进行自动化交易,但是为了保持交易的连贯,你的电脑必须时刻保持开机状态,并且时刻连通交易服务器。 所以交易员在家中或是公司的电脑上使用EA是存在一定风险的,他们无法保证不掉线、不停电、不遇到硬件故障。 此外,如果你的电脑距离交易服务器较近,在运行EA程序时,你能享受到很低的网络延迟和更快的报价。执行速度变快,滑点也会因此减少。 手动交易也可以使用外汇VPS吗? 通过远程外汇VPS,你可以获得不间断的网络连接,但是无法享受更快的执行速度。无论你使用外汇VPS或是家庭电脑,你都无法利用上述原理降低延迟。 外汇VPS到底是什么?它的原理是怎样的? 外汇VPS是在一个强大的机器实体服务器上建立的虚拟环境,实体服务器被分成了多个独立的虚拟服务器。每个外汇VPS都有独立的带宽、磁盘空间、内存和中央处理器资源。在外汇VPS上运行交易软件可以进行全天24小时的交易而不会受到上文所述的干扰。此外,不同国家之间的网络稳定性各有不同,这会给依赖于当地网络的交易员带来不利影响。在虚拟机上进行交易可以享受到稳定的环境和快速的交易流程。 因为这些虚拟环境的硬件、网络和维护成本会分摊到很多使用者身上,所以最终每个人的使用成本会降到最低。 某些零售外汇经纪商为高级账户提供免费的外汇VPS,以此提供成本效益和可衡量的解决方案,从而满足交易者对稳定虚拟交易环境的需求。 国内外比较专业的VPS服务商国内VPS推荐选择阿里云服务器(阿里云服务器优惠券, 阿里云服务器代金券领取, 阿里云最新优惠活动)或者腾讯云服务器(腾讯云服务器最新优惠活动, 腾讯云服务器优惠券腾讯云代金券领取)国外VPS服务器则推荐选择性价比极高的Vultr(点击直达购买页面) 附英文原文 What is Forex VPS? Trading via a VPS has become very popular in the retail FX community over the last several years. This article aims to provide a summary of the product and its most common uses, as well as to give a general overview of the advantages of using a VPS. A VPS (Virtual Private Server) allows traders, who use Expert Advisor (EA) automated trading systems, to minimize latency between the MT4 client terminal and the MT4 trade server. By running the system from a secure data center location, clients can also potentially receive the benefit of 100% up-time, resulting in significantly faster executions, higher trading volumes and fewer missed opportunities. Why may a trader need a VPS? Metatrader 4 (MT4) expert advisors, or robots, enable you to automate trading however, in order to perform consistently, your computer (with a trading terminal installed) needs to be up and running at all times with an uninterrupted connection to the trade server. It is therefore inherently risky for a trader to run an EA on their home or work PC as there are typically no safeguards against loss of network connectivity, power interruptions or hardware failures. Secondly, if your computer is located closer to the trade server, when running an automated strategy, you will benefit from reduced network latency and should be able to trade on the most recent quote much faster than normal. This gives the advantage of faster execution combined with reduced slippage. Will you benefit from using VPS if you trade manually? You will benefit from having uninterrupted access to the internet using a remote VPS but you won’t be able to take advantage of faster execution as, whether using VPS or a home PC, you will not be able to remove network latency from the equation. What actually is a VPS? How is it created? VPS are virtualized environments hosted on a single, powerful and robust physical server which has been divided into multiple independent virtual servers. Each VPS has its own dedicated amount of bandwidth, disk space, RAM and CPU resource. Running trading software on a VPS makes it possible for an automated system to run 24 hours a day without the concerns mentioned above. Secondly, the stability of the internet connections can vary from country to country, putting traders at a disadvantage depending on the connection possibilities available to them at their location. Trading from a virtual machine offers a stable alternative as well as a potentially faster trade route. Because the hardware, network and maintenance costs of these virtualized environments are distributed between multiple users, the overall cost is minimized for the end consumer. Some retail FX brokers provide free VPS for their top performing accounts as a way to offer a cost-effective and scalable solution that fulfills traders’ needs in a stable virtual trading environment.
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